Happy AnniversaMonth!: Still Here, Still IndigiQueer!

Peskewiku’s/July is agentSKYHOUSE & encryptedritual’s 15th Anniversary!

To empower our work, and our move to our next study in a safety space out west, please give on https://cash.app/$agentskyhouse , https://www.wishtender.com/agentSKYHOUSE , or any options available on https://linktr.ee/agentskyhouse , and wela’lin, thank you!
This article is a WIP

2009 Pride parade in Lenape territory (“Greenwich Village, New York, NY”)

in Powhatan Territory west: Monacan Territory 2022

Powhatan Territory: "Virginia"s Reality (2nd study tour)

To empower our work, and our move out of this terrifying place, and onto our next study in a safety zone out west, please give on https://www.wishtender.com/agentSKYHOUSE , https://cash.app/$agentskyhouse , or any options available on https://linktr.ee/agentskyhouse , and wela’lin, thank you!
This article is a WIP, and will contain more info on the antiTrans* anti2SLGBTQIA* reality of “VA” soon.

Powhatan Territory: “Virginia”s Reality for Targeted Relations

Over 400 years later, Lisa Cypress’s “First Contact Indian” Accawmake family’s land is still illegally occupied by white supremacists and their enablers, who currently have her family’s historic family graveyard covered by a cement frisbee course. You can easily change this.

Honor all Our RelationS’ truths today & Always

By remaining firm and grounded in respect and active change to Free All Our Relations, we break the cycles of oppression and white supremacy.

Ry’Heam Da’Mon Brown, murdered 2 days before their birthday in Monacan Territory by police, ridiculed by white supremacists and enablers on their own obituary (hate comments reported 4/30/23) Previous Report

As adults we must see and hear these stories of reality with respect, and actively make the changes to end oppression of All Of Our Relations.

“Pocahontas”, kidnapped by white military officers and gentry Rowlfe and at 15/16 years of age, trafficked and tortured while held hostage in Eastern Powhatan Territory (“Henrico, VA”) until being shipped to England to be murdered when they were 21/22. Previous report

Katlyn Lyons Montgomery’s death, murdered by their ex Trenton Frye, was riddled with internet spam and misinformation.

Where we begin is where the greatest harm is continually, actively caused: to our Trans*, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ Relations

EJ Boykin aka Novaa Watson, murdered 6/14/2021 in Moncacan Territory (“Lynchburg, VA”) due to racist and anti-2SLGBTQIA agendas, which continued after his death.

Understanding how oppression and misinformation harm everyone allows for safer communities and trustworthy conversations from those communities.